Monday, 4 July 2011

What Do You Think of Guys Who Shave Their Legs?

You go to great lengths to keep your gams looking good with regular shaving, exfoliating, moisturizing, and a healthy summer glow. But how would you feel about your guy doing the same?

34%: It’s ok if it’s for sports.

44%: Too feminine.

22%: I'm ok with shaving or not shaving, so long as the guy has hot legs.

Though most of you prefer your men natural and rugged (cough cough hairy), many superstar cyclists, and other athletes, shave their legs. Why do they do it? To improve performance, make wound care easier, and--believe it or not--it just makes you feel faster.

Tour de France stage winner Davis Phinney says: In terms of actual aerodynamics [it doesn't help that much]. But I know that if I ever looked down while I was on the bike and saw hairy legs I immediately felt slower.

Here's more reasons why cyclists shave their legs (via Bicycling Mag).

We want to know: What would you do if your man came home with his legs shiny smooth?

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