Monday 20 June 2011

ACTION ALTERT: Ask Senators to vote NO on HB74 TODAY

A discriminatory proposal to void marriages and civil contracts performed in other states unless they are between “one man and one woman” will come before the Senate TODAY. Please take the time to email your Senator and ask them to vote NO on HB74 Validity of Marriages.

Extensive testimony in the federal court in Northern California found that the only reasons to oppose same-sex marriage were religious and moral. This bill violates the equal protection clause of both the Wyoming and U.S. Constitutions. HB74 would send a clear message of intolerance within Wyoming, and would limit Wyoming same-sex couple’s access to courts. This bill would also invalidate legally binding civil unions and marriages performed in other states. Take action NOW!!! Email your Senator TODAY.

Contact information for the Senate:

Sen. Ogden Driskill: senatedriskill

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